How Your Pool Filter Pack Purchase Helps Save Lives

Drowning is a silent epidemic that claims the lives of too many children each year. According to the CDC, drowning stands as the leading cause of death among children aged 1-4. Globally, drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death, accounting for 7% of all injury-related fatalities. For children aged 5-14, it remains the second leading cause of unintentional injury. Thankfully, there is a way to help stop these unintentional deaths. The best way to prevent childhood drowning is by teaching children to swim.

A Wave of Change: The Every Child A Swimmer Program and The Florida Swims Foundation


Every Child a Swimmer Logo




The Every Child a Swimmer initiative is at the forefront of this battle, offering grants for swim lessons to financially qualifying families and pushing for legislation that would require schools to provide parents with water safety information and resources for swim lessons. This legislation, already adopted in Georgia, Arkansas, and Florida, does not mandate swim lessons but emphasizes the parental responsibility to teach their children to swim.

The Florida Swims Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to teaching vital swimming skills to children throughout Florida, promoting safety, enjoyment, and inclusivity in aquatic recreation. The Florida Swims Foundation champions the Every Child A Swimmer Program by putting donations for swim lessons back into the local communities from which they originated. Money sent to the Florida Swims Foundation, earmarked for the Every Child A Swimmer Program, is matched by the International Swimming Hall of Fame, doubling the funds and impact that your donation makes.


AquaWorx's Ripple Effect


donation check from pool filter pack purchases
Quarter One Donation Amount - $1,750
donation check from pool filter pack purchases

Quarter Two Donation Amount - $13,300 

donation check from pool filter pack purchases
Quarter Three Donation Amount - $4,950
donation check from pool filter pack purchases
Quarter Four Donation Amount - $7,400


AquaWorx is playing a pivotal role in this life-saving effort. With every pool filter pack purchase, AquaWorx allocates $50 towards a quarterly donation to the Florida Swims Foundation and the Every Child A Swimmer Program. In one year, your pool filter pack purchases have raised over $27,000, impacting the lives of hundreds of children and their families and helping save countless lives.


How You Can Help


The battle against drowning is ongoing, and the Florida Swims Foundation alongside Every Child A Swimmer are leading the charge with various initiatives. Whether through one-time donations, the innovative Build a Pool – Build a Swimmer and Clean a Pool – Create a Swimmer programs for industry professionals, or the unique initiative where funds from specialized license plate sales support free swim lessons, there are numerous ways to contribute.



Your involvement, whether as a donor, a pool builder, a maintenance company, or simply by choosing to purchase your pool filter packs from AquaWorx, can create waves of change. Each action, each donation, and each swim lesson funded is a step towards a future where the joy of swimming is not overshadowed by the fear of drowning.

Together, we can turn the tide on drowning and ensure every child has the opportunity to learn to swim, to enjoy the water safely, and to live a life full of possibilities. Join us in this crucial mission. Your support doesn't just build swimmers; it helps save lives.


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